Planning Bylaws
- Bylaw No. 06, 1998 Zoning Amendment
- Bylaw No. 15, 1999 Inspection Fees_0
- Bylaw No. 16, 1999 Heritage Properties
- Bylaw No. 26, 2000 Zoning Bylaw
- Bylaw No. 57, 2003 Utility Service_0
- Bylaw No. 106, 2010 Schedule A OCP Text_0
- Bylaw No. 106, 2010 Wells Official Community Plan_0
- Bylaw No. 123, Zoning and Tree Protection Amending Bylaw
- Bylaw No. 125, 2013, Zoning and Tree Protection Amending Bylaw
- Bylaw No. 126, Wells Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw
- 4997_CRD_Building_Bylaw_(Not_Signed)
- Zoning Map Lower Wells
- Zoning Map Upper Wells