Wells Wheels ATV Club

Wells Wheels is a local club affiliate of the ATVBC organization that is helping to develop multi-use trails around Wells. 

Popular local trails where the operation of an ATV is permitted are as follows:

    • The “Sugar Creek Loop” which is accessible from the west end of Hardscrabble Road or the north end of “One Mile Road”.  Note this trail gives access to additional routes connecting through to the Prince George area.

    • The “Valley Mountain Trail” to Barkerville which is accessible from  “One Mile Road” (just over the bridge and across the new raised section of road, bear right) which gives access to the Barkerville Park and the trails beyond.

    • The “Barkerville Mountain Connector” accessible from the intersection of Ski Hill Road and Lowhee Drive which provides a direct ATV connection between Wells and the “One Mile Road” trail head.

Wells is a very ATV friendly community. To keep it that way please always respect other trail users, when in town operate your ATV only on the streets that are part of the approved corridor for ATV operation and always respect the prohibition of ATV use on any trail signed as being exclusively for Non-Motorized use.